Is skiing hard? Woman skier on the slopes

Is skiing hard? The honest answer from ski instructor Matteo Marzadro

In my 15 years as a ski instructors and uncountable hours spent at improving and refining my technique, I learned that skiing is at the same time easy and hard, but it all depends from what you want and how you prepare for it.

Learning how to ski at 12 is not the same as learning it in your 60s. 

If you are a total  beginner, chances are that if you are under 18-20, you will fine skiing super easy. Without fear and an open mind, skiing will just be natural in most cases. The older you grow the harder it might become to learn it and to let yourself go on skis. But adults have got a great thing: patience and wisdom. By preparing properly you ski holiday you will increase a lot the chances of finding skiing easy to learn. 

is skiing hard to learn? Your age can influence a lot the answer

Is skiing hard? In which moment of your life are you?

Another factor to consider when learning a new skill is what other things are happening in your life, an easy example is that of a new mum. I found that new mums will find it harder to learn how to ski because often the anxieties connected to the new role they have, tend to slow their learning process. New mums need a different type of approach to skiing, especially for beginners, an approach that will take into account the special needs of a person in this moment of their life.

The same thing can be said about people who broke a leg, or had a surgery: learning how to ski is going to be harder than someone who never experienced an injury and it will need special attention from the instructor.

How hard is skiing depends on how fit you are. 

The fitter you are, the easier skiing will be for you. If you are fit and strong, you are able to cope with long hours on skis, your core muscles are able to support you and you will have better aerobic fitness, you will find skiing a breeze with the right instructions. For all the others, skiing is going to be hard on your legs, especially at the beginning when you are snowplowing, and you will probably feel tired during or at the end of skiing days and by midweek of your holiday you will probably be in need of a massage and a hot bath. Cold days don't help and the fact that in cold weather we don't drink enough water can make it worst. 


Want to make skiing easier? Download our free guide and learn all you need to know before hitting the slopes!

Is skiing hard? Get this free guide and make it easier

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How hard is skiing varies according to which sport you practice and what job you have. 

In my experience I noticed that rugby players and dancers tends to learn very quickly (you can expect rugby players to ski in less style than dancers though). Also, golfers  have a tendency to learn quickly, maybe all the hip action? In my view, this is because these sports make people aware of movements and body parts used to ski. Other people who practice sports have an advantage compared with people who don't, but those sports are the ones that in my experience really stands out. 

Also your job can impact how hard you find it to ski, if in your day you spend most of the time sitting on a chair, it will be harder compared with someone who is on their feet all day.

Does skiing get easier?

The question of whether skiing gets easier is multifaceted and, as we saw, depends on several factors like the individual's physical fitness, persistence in practice, and the quality of instruction received.

If you are a total beginner, you will face challenges such as maintaining balance, controlling speed, and mastering basic maneuvers like turning and stopping. These foundational skills can feel daunting as they require a combination of strength, coordination, and fear management. However, as you progresse through consistent practice and possibly lessons from qualified instructors, muscle memory begins to develop. This muscle memory plays a critical role in making skiing feel more natural and less mentally taxing.

I also feel confident in saying that advancements in skiing equipment have contributed to making the learning process more manageable. Modern skis are designed to be more forgiving and easier to control, which can significantly smooth the learning curve for skiers at every level.

Psychological factors cannot be overstated; as confidence grows with experience, you will very probably find yourself more relaxed and able to enjoy the sport fully. This increased comfort leads to further improvement in skills and so on.

In conclusion, there are many factors that influence how hard is skiing. But, while skiing may start as a challenging endeavor for many, it undoubtedly becomes easier with time. The key lies in persistence, proper instruction, and gradually pushing one's boundaries to build both skill and confidence on the slopes.




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